Our Clients

Here you can find our list of clients that we’ve worked with over the years.
If you require a reference from any of these companies feel free to contact us and we will furnish you with the relevant contact details.
Company Founded
Projects completed

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Having been in business for many years in the mid-west MLC Ltd provide a wide range of construction solutions that cater for home, business, public service and industrial needs.
We offer Turnkey solutions where we work to the highest standards within the construction industry. 

This allows us to reference many clients who come back time and time again to MLC to meet their construction needs. 

We work with a team of highly skilled tradesmen and partner with the most experienced subcontractors in the region. We understand the needs of our clients and deliver quality work on time and within budget.
MLC Building & Maintenance
59 Eastlink Business Park,
Ballysimon Road, Limerick,
V94 X2D7

Phone: +353 (0) 61 512 117
Mobile: +353 (0) 87 6167363